News - ISMT Limited
Thyssen Krupp Mannex to Represent ISMT for Sale of OCTG Tubes
Date : September 12, 2009
Thyssen Krupp Mannex (TKM) and ISMT have signed an agreement whereby TKM will represent ISMT for the sale of OCTG tubes in U.S.A., Canada, Iran, Iraq, Algeria and certain other countries in North Africa and the Middle East. With the addition of a new PQF Mill, ISMT is now well positioned to supply high quality Casings, Tubings and Line Pipe required by the Oil Exploration sector. The addition of TKM to ISMT's marketing network is expected to give a boost to OCTG tube sales and establish ISMT as global supplier of such tubes.
Thyssen Krupp Mannex, an internationally operating trading company, offers tubes and pipes, rolled steel and products of the technical business sector, in particular machines, industrial plant and equipment, products for offshore applications and marine structures.